How to get rid of "Crypto dust" on Spot?
What is "Crypto Dust"?
Crypto dust refers to small leftover amounts of coins resulting from spot trading. These amounts are usually too small to be sold in the usual way because they fall below the minimum lot size set by the exchange.
In this article, we will explain why crypto dust appears in your wallet and what you can do about it.
Why does crypto dust appear in a spot wallet?
Crypto dust can accumulate due to two main factors:
Trading Fees in Base Currency
When buying a spot asset, trading fees are deducted in the base currency (in lots).
As a result, the final position size is slightly smaller than the original purchase order.
Combining these two factors means that not all of your assets can be sold due to their reduced size and lot limitations.
How to convert crypto dust to USDT or other coins?
For Binance via Broker there is an option to "Convert Small Balance to BNB." When it is enabled, all spot assets smaller than 0.0012 BTC will be automatically converted to BNB every 6 hours:
You can either: accumulate converted BNB until you reach the minimum lot size for selling or sse BNB to pay for trading fees on Binance, which offers additional fee discounts. More details about this feature can be found here.
Additionally, on the Wallet (Binance) - Spot page, you can convert any spot assets into another asset (including stablecoins):
The conversion is fee-free and occurs at the current market rate:
You can check your conversion history on the History - Conversion History page.
This functionality is not yet available on Bybit.
You can only sell an asset if it meets or exceeds the minimum lot size set by the exchange.
If your balance is below the minimum lot size, you can hide such small balances by enabling the corresponding option in your settings:
Last updated